Samstag, 25. Juni 2011

We Were Made For Destruction

Dear Friends,

So, come July 8th, "We Were Made For Destruction" will officially be released. It's been a long time coming, but I don't think anyone will regret having waiteda bit longer than anticipated. This EP is very close to our hearts due to several reasons. For one, it's the first Lehnen release to feature the acoustic guitar- an instrument we never thought we'd use for our music, but the song it's featured on happens to be one of my favorite songs of ours to date.

Moreover, this EP marks the end of an era for Lehnen and the beginning of another. "What does this mean?", you may be asking yourselves...

We've officially started working on new songs for a third full-length. It's hard to say in which direction the next album is going to take us. I think the only hint we feel comfortable sharing with you at this point is that we want the next record to sound like our current live performances. If you've seen us play semi-recently, you should have a pretty decent idea of what that sounds like, mainly: nothing like our previous releases. :) We feel the need to approach things with more authenticity on this album. This may prove to be a bigger challenge than we currently think. So, for all we know you may be hearing a new record by next spring or you may be waiting a few years. All we know is that this next record has got to be the best thing we've ever made. It's time to really push the envelope.

All of that having been said, there's a good chance we won't be playing many shows in the near future, but when LP3 is done, we'll be excited and ready to hit the road again. This is an exciting time for us as a band. We're glad you are all a part of it.

Take care,
